Jewish Books

Jewish Books
Jewish Book Store Gift Ideas. We sell all Jewish Books at unbeatable prices - The Jewish Gift Book Store.Read More
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Otzar Ha Poskim Responsa Treasury

Otzar Ha Poskim Responsa Treasury

Otzar HaPoskimƒ??s Responsa Treasury. Otzar Haposkim was established nearly 70 years ago by Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer ztƒ??l. Rav Isser Zalman ztƒ??l was the father-in-law of Rƒ?? Aaron Kotler ztƒ??l...
Judaic Master Library

Judaic Master Library

Amazing technology puts a full Judaic Library on a single CD-ROM. Imagine the Tanach and 24 Bible Commentaries, Talmud Bavli and Commentaries as well as most key Halachic and Aggadic...
Judaic Library All Sifrei Kodesh

Judaic Library All Sifrei Kodesh

The Most Complete Judaic Library Version 13.0 - 712 Sifrei Kodesh ! The world's largest, commercially available, collection of computerized Sifrei Kodesh. You receive the entire library of over 500...
Jewish Calendar - Synagogue Management

Jewish Calendar - Synagogue Management

Gabai 2000 is the type of program that every Rabbi, Gabbai, or Synagogue Administrator MUST HAVE! A Synagogue or a Temple is a complex operation.Not only do they have income...
Golden Hebrew Multimedia Bundle

Golden Hebrew Multimedia Bundle

Our top multimedia bundle. Get Hebrew world that teaches you the language, Speaking Picture Dictionary, Hebrew Conversation - Have fun with this audio CD: 25 conversations + short story. Slow...
Selichot - Selichos Leather Binded

Selichot - Selichos Leather Binded

Get this beautiful leather binded selichot Selichos Siddur Machzor for Elul and year round. A beautiful way to show the value of selichot is to own this machzor. A beautiful...
Chizkuni Torah Commentary

Chizkuni Torah Commentary

Chizkuni Torah Commentary Chizkiyahu ben Rabbi Manoach wrote Chizkuni in honor of his father. Printed in Venice in 1525. He focuses primarily on Rashi, quoting 20 other commentators in this...
Torah Commentary By Samuel David Luzzatto, 4 Vols.

Torah Commentary By Samuel David Luzzatto, 4 Vols.

Luzzattos Torah commentary presents the reader with the work of an accomplished and highly respected Bible Commentator of the 19th century, a leading Bible scholar at the university of Padua,...
The Passover Book

The Passover Book

Beautiful book about Pesach, lavishly illustrated, describing the holiday and how it has been celebrated in different communities throughout the ages. 32 page section on Pesach cookery and a complete...
Tanya Set - 17 Volumes

Tanya Set - 17 Volumes

Tanya Im Maskil L'eisan Set 17 Volume set< p>
Tanya Im Biur Hamaor Shebatora Set

Tanya Im Biur Hamaor Shebatora Set

Tanya Im Biur Hamaor Shebatora Set< p>
Spanish Haggadah Hagad?­ En Espa?Ñol

Spanish Haggadah Hagad?­ En Espa?Ñol

Spanish Haggadah Hagad?­ en Espa?ñol. Una Noche de Libertad 144 pages, soft cover, full color. Luego de las versiones norteamericana, israel?? y sueca, sale a la luz la versi??n Latina...