$100 to $200

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Star of David Hanukkah Menorah Turquoise

Star of David Hanukkah Menorah

$176.00 – $180.00
These Hanukkah menorahs are designed by renowned Israeli Judaica designer. Handmade by the , the gold-plated menorah is made of laser-cut steel, beautifully covered with Swarovski crystals, brass and copper...

Stone Menorah With Oil Inserts By Yaacov Ben Shifra In Multi-Colored,silver,clear,gold

Stone Menorah With Oil Inserts By Yaacov Ben Shifra In Multi-Colored,silver,clear,gold
ahuva judaica art

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חנוכייה מהודרת "יהלום" ציפוי זהב 36 ס"מThis original Judaica gift is a creation designed in Israel and brought to you by ahuva. We think you'll find the style and beauty...