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Maharal on pirkei avos (hc)

Maharal on pirkei avos (hc)

MAHARAL ON PIRKEI AVOS (HC)Maharal's ideas are the basis for many major currents of mussar, chassidus, and Torah thought. Rabbi Tuvia Basser extracts and clarifies many of the complex ideas...
Pirkei sholom on pirkei avos Jewish Books

Pirkei sholom on pirkei avos

Pirkei Sholom On Pirkei AvosPirkei Avos has been the subject of hundreds of commentaries throughout the centuries, with the Torah luminaries of each generation contributing their interpretations and explanations, relating...
Rav lau on pirkei avos -vol. 2 (hard cover)-0

Rav lau on pirkei avos -vol. 2 (hard cover)

RAV LAU ON PIRKEI AVOS -vol. 2 (Hard cover)Running the gamut of Mishnah commentary, history, inspiration and anecdote, Rav Lau on Pirkei Avos is a rich, elegant, authoritative presentation that...
The eternal wisdom of pirkei avos (spero)-0

The eternal wisdom of pirkei avos (spero)

The Eternal Wisdom of Pirkei Avos (Spero)In The Eternal Wisdom of Pirkei Avos master teacher and storyteller Rabbi Yechiel Spero shares with us an insight, a story, and a takeaway...