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Avodas hakorbanos
Avodas HakorbanosSefer Avodas HaKorbanos offers a clear exposition of the avodah in the Beis HaMikdash.Binding: HardcoverPages: 664Dimensions: 6.00 X 9.00Authors: Rabbi Moshe WeissAvodas Hakorbanos
Baal haturim chumash -- shemos (h/c)
BAAL HATURIM CHUMASH -- SHEMOS (H/C)The Baal HaTurim found the TorahÆs hidden messages in gematria (number patterns), acrostics, formations of letters, Scriptural word patterns, and a novel approach to understanding...
Derashos haran - volume 1
Derashos HaRan - Volume 1Written by the famous Talmudist and Halachist R' Nissim ben Ruvein (Ran) in the fourteenth century, Derashos HaRan is a collection of homilies (Derashos) that are...
Derashos haran - volume 2
Derashos HaRan - Volume 2Written by the famous Talmudist and Halachist R' Nissim ben Ruvein (Ran) in the fourteenth century, Derashos HaRan is a collection of homilies (Derashos) that are...
Eternal fire of sefer devarim
Eternal Fire of Sefer DevarimThe author writes, “Essentially, Sefer Devarim is Moshe’s words to us, teaching a vast, complex array of fundamental ideas. In this work, we aim to bring...
Eternal fire of sefer vayikra
Eternal Fire of Sefer VayikraEternal Fire of Vayikra gives us the opportunity to understand the many important concepts and teachings of Sefer Vayikra in clear, readable language. Important background information...
Inspiration & insight/torah [r'segal] (h/c)
INSPIRATION & INSIGHT/Torah [R'Segal] (H/C)Rabbi Segal's talks were down to earth, powerful, and uplifting; his topics timely, wide ranging and practical. This book presents these inspiring talks to the English-speaking...
Kisvei harambam
Kisvei HarambamThe Writings of the Rambam - Fascinating Classics from the Pen of the Great Master - Now in English!Binding: HardcoverPages: 584Dimensions: 7.00 X 10.00Authors: Rabbi Yehuda Meir KeilsonKisvei Harambam
Maayan bais hasho'eivah/ r' schwab [hebrew]
MAAYAN BAIS HASHO'EIVAH/ R' Schwab [Hebrew]The gaon Rabbi Shimon Schwab was a preeminent rav in the great tradition of Torah im derech eretz: Rav, talmid chacham, posek, thinker, orator, and...
Majesty of man [r' henach leibowitz] (h/c)
MAJESTY OF MAN [R' Henach Leibowitz] (H/C)A bridge to the glories of pre-war Slobodka, Harav Leibowitz has led a major American yeshivah for fifty years. In this great book, his...
Messages from rav pam
Messages from Rav PamListen to A Message from Rav Pam. Enjoy it with your family, your guests, yourself. And watch as these brief messages make a huge difference to your...
Midrash rabbah compact size: megillas koheles
Midrash Rabbah Compact Size: Megillas KohelesIf you want to unlock the spiritual and ethical treasures of Jewish thought... If you want to share the insights and brilliance of Midrashic commentators,...