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Parochet - Clinging Unto G-D

Parochet - Clinging Unto G-D

Custom made Parochet in beautiful embroidery. Call 917-963-8627 for price. Please have your size ready. Or order online at just $1 and we'll contact you. Specially made to size, color...
Parochet - Gates Of Jerusalem Bimah & Podium Covers

Parochet - Gates Of Jerusalem

Elegant Parochet embossed with Gates of Jerusalem design.A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined quality velvet for...
Parochet - Mirror Embroidered Frame

Parochet - Mirror Embroidered Frame

Custom made Parochet in beautiful embroidery. Call for Price inquiry 917-963-8627. Specially made to size, color and dedication.
Parochet - Royal Arch

Parochet - Royal Arch

Custom made Parochet in beautiful embroidery. Call 917-963-8627 for price. Please have your size ready. Or order online at just $1 and we'll contact you. Specially made to size, color...
Parochet - Royal Model Synagogue

Parochet - Royal Model Synagogue

Custom made Parochet in beautiful embroidery. Call 917-963-8627 for price. Please have your size ready. Or order online at just $1 and we'll contact you. Specially made to size, color...
Parochet Ark Curtain Of Jerusalem

Parochet Ark Curtain Of Jerusalem

The magnificent Jerusalem parochet uses a combination of fabrics and appliques. No equal for this Sacred Velvet Embroidered Ark Curtain. The floral vine can be changed in color , altered or...
Parochet Ark Curtain- Vilna Navy

Parochet Ark Curtain- Vilna

$1.00 – $3,600.00
Vilna style parochet ark curtain. Choose your own color background and alternative color embroidery or leave as shown. Add to cart at $1 and enter your size request below or...
Parochet For Aron Kodesh With Crown Bimah & Podium Covers

Parochet For Aron Kodesh With Crown

Delicate and Classic Velvet Embroidered Ark Curtain (Parochet) set. Parochet for Aron Kodesh with Crown A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured...
Parochet For The Three Festivals Ark, Bimah & Podium Metal Hooks

Parochet For The Three Festivals

Quality embroidered Parochet Ark Curtain on Velvet. Sample shown Gold embroidery on Black background depicting the Three Festivals. A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are...
Parochet Of Vilna Gate In Silver Embroidery Ark, Bimah & Podium Metal Hooks

Parochet Of Vilna Gate In Silver Embroidery

Quality embroidered Parochet Ark Curtain on Velvet. Sample shown: intricate silver embroidery on Black background.A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by...
Parochet Set - Shema Yisrael In Flames Bimah & Podium Covers

Parochet Set - Shema Yisrael In Flames

Elegant Parochet set with the Hebrew words Shema Israel. It means Hear O Israel, are the first two words of a section of the Torah.A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed...
Parochet With "My Fire Lit Until Moshiach" Ark, Bimah & Podium

Parochet With "My Fire Lit Until Moshiach"

Quality embroidered Parochet Ark Curtain on Velvet. Sample shown Gold embroidery on Black background. Parochet with "MY Fire Lit Until Moshiach" A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the...