Jewish Life Cycle

The Jewish life cycle composed of important milestones of birth, Bnai Mitzvah, wedding and burial. Shop online for a beautiful array of products for these precious moments.
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Torah & Bar Mitzvah Sand Art - Bulk

Torah & Bar Mitzvah Sand Art - Bulk

Sand art board. Depicts an image of a ( bar mitzvah ) boy reading from an open sefer Torah.  Color fill Sand (Item # JT334) sold Separately Minimum order quantity...
Har Sinai Sand Art - Bulk (Ten Commandments)

Har Sinai Sand Art - Bulk (Ten Commandments)

Sand art boards. Depicts an image of Mt. Sinai. Color fill Sand (Item # JT334) sold separately Minimum order quantity is: 144
Jerusalem Sand Art - Bulk

Jerusalem Sand Art - Bulk

Sand art board. Depicts an image of Jerusalem and Jerusalem in English Color fill Sand (Item # JT334) sold separately Minimum order quantity is: 144
Beit Hamikdash Sand Art - Bulk

Beit Hamikdash Sand Art - Bulk

Sand art boards. Depicts an image of the Beit Hamikdash. Color fill Sand (Item # JT334) sold separately Minimum order quantity is: 144
Havdalah Sand Art - Bulk

Havdalah Sand Art - Bulk

Sand art board only. Depicts an image of the items used for the havdalah service.Minimum order quantity is: 144Color:
Purim Sand Art - Bulk

Purim Sand Art - Bulk

Sand art board only. Depicts an image of a young boy and girl dressed in Purim costumes, and the words "Happy Purim" Color fill Sand (Item # JT334) sold Separately...
Passover Sand Art, Matzah - Bulk

Passover Sand Art, Matzah - Bulk

Sand art board. Depicts an image of 4 cups, 3 matzos, and the word Pesach in Hebrew Color fill Sand (Item # JT334) sold Separately Minimum order quantity is: 144...
Jewish Holiday Necklace Kit

Jewish Holiday Necklace Kit

Set of colorful Jewish holiday shape beads and spacer beads, plus an elastic to make a bracelet.Minimum order quantity is: 24Ages 3+
Suncatchers - Torah - Bulk

Suncatchers - Torah - Bulk

Paint a stained glass (plastic) ornament with your own paints, then hang it on your window. Bulk product contains the plastic ornament only -- no packaging, no paints.Minimum order quantity...
Passover Seder Plate Sand Art - Bulk

Passover Seder Plate Sand Art - Bulk

Sand art board only. Depicts an image of a Passover seder plate with the Passover food symbols on it. Color fill Sand (Item # JT334) sold Separately Minimum order quantity...
Sukkot Sand Art - Bulk (330Su)

Sukkot Sand Art - Bulk (330Su)

Sand art board. Depicts an image of a boy on a ladder putting branches on the roof of a succah, and the word "SUKKOT" in English Color fill Sand (Item...
Suncatchers - Shabbat - Bulk

Suncatchers - Shabbat - Bulk

Paint a stained glass (plastic) ornament with your own paints, then hang it on your window. Bulk product contains the plastic ornament only -- no packaging, no paints.Minimum order quantity...