FREE DOWNLOAD: Click HERE to download the Quick Rescue Guide PLUS a complete chapter from this book! We've all met the yetzer hara, the inclination to do evil that is wired into every human being. We've been tempted, we've fought - and sometimes we've fa
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 280
Dimensions: 6.00 X 9.00
Authors: Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller Gottlieb , Sara Yoheved Rigler
Battle Plans - How to defeat the Yetzer Hara
FREE DOWNLOAD: Click HERE to download the Quick Rescue Guide PLUS a complete chapter from this book! We've all met the yetzer hara, the inclination to do evil that is wired into every human being. We've been tempted, we've fought - and sometimes we've fa
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 280
Dimensions: 6.00 X 9.00
Authors: Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller Gottlieb , Sara Yoheved Rigler
Battle Plans - How to defeat the Yetzer Hara

Battle plans - how to defeat the yetzer hara