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Perspex Prayer For Bride 20x20 Cm
Perspex Prayer for bride 20x20 cmThis original Judaica gift is a creation designed in Israel and brought to you by ahuva. We think you'll find the style and beauty of...
Golden Amulet For Marriage 8*5cm
Golden Amulet For Marriage 8*5cmThis original Judaica gift is a creation designed in Israel and brought to you by ahuva. We think you'll find the style and beauty of this...
Glass For Groom 10 Cm- With "if I Forget Thee O Jerusalem" Inscription
Glass For Groom 10 Cm- With "if I Forget Thee O Jerusalem" InscriptionThis original Judaica gift is a creation designed in Israel and brought to you by ahuva. We think...
Bride And Groom Deluxe Set: Bride's Prayer Book, Groom's Cup And Pillow For Rings
Bride And Groom Deluxe Set: Bride's Prayer Book, Groom's Cup And Pillow For RingsThis original Judaica gift is a creation designed in Israel and brought to you by ahuva. We...
Ketubah for Second Marriage / Zivug Shainy
Ketubah for Second Marriage / Zivug Shainy Ketubah for Second Marriage / Zivug Shainy
ZMIROT SHABBAT 405 Select your Personalization Imprint HERE Size: 12x16 cm.No. of pages: 92Nusah: both Ashkenaz and Edot HamizrahDescription: Contains everything needed for Shabbat meals, both for Ashkenazic Jews and for...
Elegant Ketubah Holder Art Casting & Leather
Elegant Ketubah Holder Art Casting & Leather Display your ketuba in style with the Elegant Ketubah Holder Art Casting & Leather, featuring an exquisite leather design. With a decorative art...
Ani L'Dodi Wedding Frame on Stand
Ani L'Dodi Wedding Frame on Stand
Amazing Stained glass Wedding Frame.
Photo 4x6
Ani L'Dodi Wedding Frame on Stand
Tree of Life Mezuzah for Wedding Shards
$71.95 – $114.95
Tree of Life Mezuzah for Wedding Shards Comes with extra wide insert in case for insertion of scroll and wedding shards. 1x6" If using the mezuzot as shown, the shards...
Couple Mezuzah for Wedding Shards
$71.95 – $114.95
Couple Mezuzah for Wedding Shards Comes with extra wide insert in case for insertion of scroll and wedding shards. 1x6 Couple Mezuzah has been used for shards. In these colors,...
Ahava Tube Mezuzah For Wedding Shards
$76.95 – $114.95
Ahava Mezuzah For Wedding Shards Comes with extra wide insert in case for insertion of scroll and wedding shards. Wedding shards visible through hebrew letters. 1x6 White glass in front...
Ahava Mezuzah For Wedding Shards
$76.95 – $114.95
Ahava Mezuzah For Wedding Shards Comes with extra wide insert in case for insertion of scroll and wedding shards. Wedding shards visible through hebrew letters. 1x6 White glass in front...