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Reflections of the maggid (h/c)
REFLECTIONS OF THE MAGGID (H/C)Rabbi Paysach J. KrohnÆs previous ôMaggidö books have only whetted the publicÆs appetite for more stories featuring the beauty of the Jewish heritage as it was...
Rav pam [finkelman] (h/c)
RAV PAM [FINKELMAN] (H/C)ôOur generation sees in him that rare blend, that light of Torah, righteousness, kindness and truth that few people merit.ö This is how one of our generationÆs...
Precious jewels (h/c)
PRECIOUS JEWELS (H/C)Zelda Rosenthal is one of those rare human beings who possesses a wonderful combination of attributes. She comes from a renowned family of great rabbis, she is a...
Insights in the torah--oznaim bamidbar (h/c)
INSIGHTS IN THE TORAH--OZNAIM BAMIDBAR (H/C)A major Torah leader of pre-war Poland and post-war Israel, Rabbi Zalman Sorotzkin was the author of a scintillating commentary on the Torah. Now available...
Partners in parenting [wikler] (h/c)
PARTNERS IN PARENTING [Wikler] (H/C)Our 3-year-old brings home toys that don't belong to him. What do we do? She's 9 years old, and she has become terrified of taking the...
Nazir/sotah [mishnah: nashim 2(b)] (h/c)
NAZIR/SOTAH [Mishnah: Nashim 2(b)] (H/C)THIS TRACTATE DISCUSSES THE NAZIRITE AND THE SUSPECTED ADULTERESS. The ArtScroll Mishnah Series with Yad Avraham commentary brings the text to life as it is developed...
Pocket size orchos yosher
Pocket Size Orchos YosherOrchos Yosher, the classic sefer by Rav Chaim Kanievsky ztl, is now available in a flowing English translation – together with more than 150 stories to enhance...
Gittin/kiddushin [mishnah: nashim 3] (h/c)
GITTIN/KIDDUSHIN [Mishnah: Nashim 3] (H/C)THIS TRACTATE DISCUSSES DIVORCE AND MARRIAGE. The ArtScroll Mishnah Series with Yad Avraham commentary brings the text to life as it is developed and clarified by...
Nishmat avraham vol.1: orach chaim
NISHMAT AVRAHAM VOL.1: ORACH CHAIMDr. Abraham S. Abraham is a world renowned physician who has lectured at medical conferences in many countries. In addition, he is one of the world's...
Perek shirah -pocket embossed (schott. ed)
Perek Shirah -Pocket Embossed (Schott. Ed)Attributed to King David, Perek Shirah is recited every day by more and more people - but never has it been presented as beautifully and...
Rav pam on pirkei avos
RAV PAM ON PIRKEI AVOSTorah sage teaches us the Torah of our Sages. For 63 years Rav Avrahom Pam, one of the most beloved Torah leaders of our times, shared...
Pirkei avos/youth ed. complete 1 vol. (h/c)
PIRKEI AVOS/YOUTH ED. Complete 1 vol. (H/C)Question: How can a book written thousands of years ago be fresh and relevant to today's child? Answer: When it is masterfully translated into...