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Leather tehillim/psalms - full size [maroon]
LEATHER TEHILLIM/PSALMS - Full Size [Maroon]Clear type, simplified translation and inspiring commentary.Binding: Leather MaroonPages: 329Dimensions: 5.13 X 8.13Authors: Rabbi Hillel Danziger , Rabbi Nosson SchermanLEATHER TEHILLIM/PSALMS - Full Size [Maroon]
Pituchei chotam bamidbar / devarim
Pituchei Chotam Bamidbar / DevarimThe great light of the Abir Yaakov’s masterpiece, which had its beginnings in a small city in Morocco more than a century ago, belongs in your...
Zera shimshon - bereishis 2
ZERA SHIMSHON - BEREISHIS 2The sefer whose segulah captivated Klal Yisrael: The Zera Shimshon’s Commentary on Chumash, translated and elucidatedBinding: HardcoverPages: 0Dimensions: 7.00 X 10.00Authors: ZERA SHIMSHON - BEREISHIS 2
New siddur - wasserman full size - ashkenaz
NEW SIDDUR - WASSERMAN FULL SIZE - AshkenazNow -- for a new generation -- the new, expanded ArtScroll Siddur inaugurates a new era of excellence, beauty, user friendliness, and added...
Ein yaakov gittin / kiddushin
Ein Yaakov Gittin / KiddushinEin Yaakov is a classic collection of all the Aggadic material found in Talmud Bavli and Talmud Yerushalmi.Binding: HardcoverPages: 0Dimensions: 7.00 X 10.00Authors: Ein Yaakov Gittin...
Seif ed. translit. siddur: shabbos/fest (h/c)
Seif Ed. Translit. Siddur: SHABBOS/FEST (H/C)Can't read Hebrew yet? û It's for you! Want the translation in front of you, phrase by phrase? Want it all, including an ArtScroll commentary?...
The synagogue edition of the complete artscroll siddur
The Synagogue Edition of The Complete ArtScroll SiddurThe Synagogue edition of the Classic ArtScroll Complete Siddur.Binding: HardcoverPages: 1043Dimensions: 5.13 X 8.13Authors: Rabbi Nosson Scherman , Rabbi Meir ZlotowitzThe Synagogue Edition...
Siddur - full size - ashkenaz (h/c)
SIDDUR - FULL SIZE - Ashkenaz (H/C)Clear, concise instructions . . . Highly readable English translation of the entire service . . . Easy-to-use page layouts . . . Inspirational...
Electric Sukkah Sign Colored Lights V'sumachtu"18X24
Electric Sukkah Sign Colored Lights V'sumachtu"18X24 Electric Sukkah Sign Colored Lights V'sumachtu"18X24
Interlinear machzor: yom kippur sefard f/s
Interlinear Machzor: Yom Kippur Sefard F/SItÆs easy to pray with meaning in Hebrew with the new interlinear format developed by ArtScroll to give you maximum comprehension with minimum effort. How...
The captives
The CaptivesFascinating History, Breathtaking Adventure, and Unique Jewish HeroismBinding: HardcoverPages: 460Dimensions: 6.00 X 9.00Authors: Rochel Istrin RNThe Captives