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Wedding Glass Box
Wedding glass box with the famous Hebrew saying Ani Le Dodi Ve Dodi Li, I am to my beloved as my beloved is to me. Perfect gift for a wedding....
Wedding Celebration Tzedakah Box
Wedding Celebration Tzedakah Box. What a fabulous delightful and tasteful Wedding Gift. Size 8 x 2 x 2 1 2"
Tree Of Life Glass Box
The symbol of the Tree of Life is used in Judaism in the Torah. The Torah is a " Tree of Life - Etz Hayyim - to all who hold...
Shabbos Bencher
Beautiful Zemiros Shabbos Bencher. ideal for weddings. Size 6 1 4" X 4 1 2"Personalization is available on bulk orders only.
Mincha Maariv Booklet
Minchah Mariv Booklet 4.5" X 3.5". 92 Pages White Cover. Ideal for weddings and Bar Mitzvah's. Each can be printed with personalized names and dates. Contains Mincha , Maariv, Kriyat...
Leather Bound Psalms & Prayer
This Bencher contains the following prayers or songs: Mincha and Maariv, Bircat Hamazon, Shevah Brachot, Bracha Acharona, Psalms. Ideal for : Bar Bat Mitzva, Wedding, Birthday, New Year (Rosh Hashana),...
Leather Bonded Tenoyim Holder.
Leather bonded tenoyim holder. 10" x 14"Tags: tenoyim, engagement, wedding, holder, leather
Jewish Marriage Tenaim Leather
"Tenaim" is the conditional Contract before the marriage and here is a lovely antique leather holder (Page Size) to place any important documents relating to the marriage outside of the...
Diamond Design Bencher
Lovely shaped Diamnond Phrase Bencher. Size 6 1 2" x 4 1 2". Pesukim Adorn this bencher and Zmirot Booklet. Ideal Wedding Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah.
Ahava Love Glass Mezuzah
$72.25 – $108.25
Glass Mezuzah. The hebrew word, Ahava, meaning love, has been sandblasted on this mezuzah. The glass used is either the iridescent colors of red or aqua, mirrors of blue or...
A Picture Bencher
A newly released beautiful bencher which features all daily and occasional blessings which includes the following. Birchat Hamazon, Sheva Brachot, Birchat Eiresun V'nesuyon (marriage service), Bris Mila, Pidyon Haben, and...
A Kidushim V'Zmerit Booklet
92 Pgs. Includes Bircat Hamazon, Sheva Berachot, Kiddush for Shabbat and all Chagim, Zemirot, Printing available for Weddings, Bar Bat Mitzvahs and other ocassions. Click on image for full picture.