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Parochet - Clinging Unto G-D

Parochet - Clinging Unto G-D

Custom made Parochet in beautiful embroidery. Call 917-963-8627 for price. Please have your size ready. Or order online at just $1 and we'll contact you. Specially made to size, color...
Parochet - Gates Of Jerusalem Bimah & Podium Covers

Parochet - Gates Of Jerusalem

Elegant Parochet embossed with Gates of Jerusalem design.A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined quality velvet for...
Parochet - Mirror Embroidered Frame

Parochet - Mirror Embroidered Frame

Custom made Parochet in beautiful embroidery. Call for Price inquiry 917-963-8627. Specially made to size, color and dedication.
Parochet - My Soul Yearns For You G-D Bimah & Podium Covers

Parochet - My Soul Yearns For You G-D

$3,900.00 – $4,950.00
Luxuriant Magen David Design in this Velvet Synagogue Ark Curtain.A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined quality...
Parochet - Royal Arch

Parochet - Royal Arch

Custom made Parochet in beautiful embroidery. Call 917-963-8627 for price. Please have your size ready. Or order online at just $1 and we'll contact you. Specially made to size, color...
Parochet - Royal Arch Entrance & Pillars

Parochet - Royal Arch Entrance & Pillars

Custom made Parochet in beautiful embroidery. Call 917-963-8627 for price. Please have your size ready. Or order online at just $1 and we'll contact you. Specially made to size, color...
Parochet - Royal Model Synagogue

Parochet - Royal Model Synagogue

Custom made Parochet in beautiful embroidery. Call 917-963-8627 for price. Please have your size ready. Or order online at just $1 and we'll contact you. Specially made to size, color...
Parochet - Sound The Shofar On This Month Bimah & Podium Covers

Parochet - Sound The Shofar On This Month

$3,995.00 – $5,395.00
Colorful High Holiday Parochet decorated with Shofar. A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined quality velvet for...
Parochet - The Open Gates Of Heaven

Parochet - The Open Gates Of Heaven

A paroches for the High Holidays, expressing the concept of the opening of the gates of Shomayim (Heaven) in response to the opening of the gates of prayer on earth....
Parochet Adorned Floral Pillars Of The Temple Menorah

Parochet Adorned Floral Pillars Of The Temple Menorah

Seven Stand Menorah with Pillars at both the sides. Skillfully Embroidered in the Ark Curtain (Parochet) set. A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple...
Parochet Ark Curtain - Cave Of Machpela

Parochet Ark Curtain - Cave Of Machpela

The Cave of Machpela was elegantly portrayed on the Velvet Embroidered Ark Curtain (Parochet) set.A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by...
Parochet Ark Curtain - Luchot & Pillars Of Menorah Add Bimah & Podium Covers

Parochet Ark Curtain - Luchot & Pillars Of Menorah

$650.00 – $2,400.00
Synagogue Ark Curtains Parochet with Ten Commandments and pillars of menorah.A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined...