Parochet & Mantles

Parochet Velvet Mantles Torah Meil

Synagogue Custom velvet mantles for Temple & Synagogue. Parochets ark curtains, Bimah table velvets & Torah meil covers made here. Specially designed in mostly velvet colors to match each other and any decor. Mantles are embroidered with emblem(s) of your choice and Pasuk phrases you choose. Replace and dedicate a Torah Table Mantle for your Synagogue , Shul or Temple and make a Kiddush Hashem (Sanctity of the Holy Name). We create all sizes. The prices where listed for Table mantles are for an average size 1.05 x 1.05 meter (41 x 41").

Synagogue Custom velvet mantles for Temple & Synagogue.

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Jewish Holiday Ark Parochet

Jewish Holiday Ark Parochet

Parochet with Vines for High Holidays. A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined quality velvet for your...
Ark Parochet- Beit Mikdash

Ark Parochet- Beit Mikdash

Parochet with The Beit Mikdash Temple for High Holidays.A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined quality velvet...
Sephardic & Middle Eastern Arch Parochet

Sephardic & Middle Eastern Arch Parochet

Sephardic & Middle Eastern Arch parochet for High Holidays and year round. A truly beautiful design for any Temple or Synagogue and a special addition on the High Holidays. A Parochet...
Paroches Choices For High Holidays Ark Parochet

Paroches Choices For High Holidays Ark Parochet

High Holiday Parochets in Classic designs. These Parochets are ideal for the high holidays begining in Rosh Hashannah and perfectly priced. Note: the price quoted is the lowest price for...
High Holidays Ark Parochet- Majestic Corona

High Holidays Ark Parochet- Majestic Corona

Parochet White-crown-flowers for High Holidays. A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined quality velvet for your synagogue...
High Holidays Ark Parochet- Rachel Tomb

High Holidays Ark Parochet- Rachel Tomb

Parochet with Rachels Tomb Application on white material for High Holidays. A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom...
High Holidays Ark Parochet- Royal Grape Vine

High Holidays Ark Parochet- Royal Grape Vine

Parochet with Vine columns and menorah for High Holidays. A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined quality...
Paroches- Gates Of Jerusalem

Paroches- Gates Of Jerusalem

Parochet with Gates of Jerusalem for High Holidays. A truly beautiful design for any Temple or Synagogue and a special addition on the High Holidays.A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed...
Crown Paroches Ark Curtain

Crown Paroches Ark Curtain

Crown Paroches ideal for Rosh Hashana. A truly beautiful design for any Temple or Synagogue and a special addition on the High Holidays. Amazing attention to detail. A Parochet Ark...
High Holidays Ark Parochet- Menorah & Flowers

High Holidays Ark Parochet- Menorah & Flowers

Parochet with Big menorah and flower border for High Holidays. A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined...
High Holidays Ark Parochet- Pillars & Menorah

High Holidays Ark Parochet- Pillars & Menorah

Parochet with Menorah and Pillars for High Holidays. A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined quality velvet...
High Holidays Ark Parochet- Menorah & Pillars

High Holidays Ark Parochet- Menorah & Pillars

Parochet with Pillars and menorah for High Holidays. A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined quality velvet...