Parochet & Mantles

Parochet Velvet Mantles Torah Meil

Synagogue Custom velvet mantles for Temple & Synagogue. Parochets ark curtains, Bimah table velvets & Torah meil covers made here. Specially designed in mostly velvet colors to match each other and any decor. Mantles are embroidered with emblem(s) of your choice and Pasuk phrases you choose. Replace and dedicate a Torah Table Mantle for your Synagogue , Shul or Temple and make a Kiddush Hashem (Sanctity of the Holy Name). We create all sizes. The prices where listed for Table mantles are for an average size 1.05 x 1.05 meter (41 x 41").

Synagogue Custom velvet mantles for Temple & Synagogue.

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Paroches Parochet Ark Curtain - Israel'S 7 Species Ark, Bimah & Podium

Paroches Parochet Ark Curtain - Israel'S 7 Species

Parochet 7 Species the land of Israel Torah Parochet Ark Curtain. Often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community, our parochet curtains are manufactured by us in custom lined quality velvet...
Jerusalem Torah Meil Velvet Mantle

Jerusalem Torah Meil Velvet Mantle

Jerusalem Torah Meil Velvet Mantle available in 7 colors.
Tabernacle & Keruvim Mishkan Parochet

Tabernacle & Keruvim Mishkan Parochet

Paroches Parochet Ark Curtain. Beautiful Tabernacle Mishkan Ark Curtain with Kruvim Angels. A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in...
Beit Hamikdash Temple Torah Meil Velvet Mantle

Beit Hamikdash Temple Torah Meil Velvet Mantle

Beit Hamikdash Temple Torah Meil Velvet Mantle available in 7 colors.
Beit Hamikdash Temple Torah Meil Velvet Mantle

Beit Hamikdash Temple Torah Meil Velvet Mantle

Beit Hamikdash Temple Torah Meil Velvet Mantle available in 7 colors.
Classic & Economical Crown Parochet in All Colors

Classic & Economical Crown Parochet in All Colors

Classic & Economical Parochet in All Colors and sizes.  Price quote for 1 x 1.5 meter.
Style 105

Style 105

12 Tribe Torah Mantle

12 Tribe Torah Mantle

Designed with the Twelve Shevatim (Tribes of Israel), in such a striking fashion. Each Picture is embroidered in color and framed separately with a dainty gold border. Prices are affected...
Torah Mantle - Synagogue Torah Cover 3D Canopy

Torah Mantle - Synagogue Torah Cover 3D Canopy

This magnificent design offers sort of the best of both worlds. Its total class with an updated touch. Features an artistic 3-D canopy with a mini crown nestled between detailed...
Torah Mantle Cover - Synagogue Velvet Vilna Gate

Torah Mantle Cover - Synagogue Velvet Vilna Gate

This Beautiful popular Vilna Gate Design is one of our best going Styles! Its vintage arch, composed of ancient looking poles and hanging tassels give it that sophisticated look adored...
Classic Elegant Ark Curtain Parochet

Classic Elegant Ark Curtain Parochet

Classic Elegant Ark Curtain Parochet. A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined quality velvet for your synagogue...