Shavuot /Shavuos

Stock up here for Shavuot Pentecost !

Shop Ahuva for Shevuos Machzorim, Megillat Ruth, Aliya LaTorah cards and all other holiday needs!
Many shuls also celebrate with plush sefer torahs for children, and special holiday wall hangings.

It is also customary to stay awake throughout the night to immerse in learning, for which we offer a wide variety of Jewish books, including chumashim, shas, talmud, Jewish thought, halacha (Jewish law), commentaries, and more! Available in English and in Hebrew.

In honor of חג מתן תורה (Chag Matan Torah - the day we received the Torah) consider taking the opportunity to donate to your shul, synagogue or temple a Portable Aron Kodesh (Torah Ark), dedicated Parochet or Torah cases, Torah bells, rollers, pointers, and more. Visit Torah & Accessories for important items used in the Temple to rejuvenate and rejoice with the Torah giving holiday.

Shavuoth is the celebration of receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai.

It comes exactly 49 days after Pesach when we begin to count the omer. Get your Omer Counters here for shul and for home!

On Shavuot Pentecost we also read The Book of Ruth (Megilat Ruth), the story of an exemplary woman of valor who converted to Judaism and became the great-grandmother of King David. She teaches us of loyalty to G-d and the Jewish people and of the incredible Chesed (good deeds) she displays throughout.

David HaMelech is said to have been born on Shavuoth and Chasidim also observe the yartzeit of the Ba'al Shem Tov.

Shovuos is one of the שלוש רגלים (Shalosh Regalim - the three pilgrimage festivals) and it marks the wheat harvest in Israel. In English it is sometimes known as the Festival of Weeks.

On Shavuot Pentecost 2018 be sure to purchase all your holiday supplies here!

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Sefer Torah Scroll with Plaque, Yad & Velvet Cover Maroon Large
-34%Sold out

Sefer Torah Scroll with Plaque, Yad & Velvet Cover

$57.95 – $89.95
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