Seven Blessings Ketubah Sea Blue Conservative with English Yes

Seven Blessings Ketubah


Color: Sea Blue

Sea Blue
Sea Blue

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The design of this unique Ketubah includes a Hamsa (Arabic word for lucky talisman, shaped like hand), with two doves incorporated as part of the hand. One is decorated with the city of Jerusalem, the other, with the ketubah text flows in it. Inside the Hamsa, you will find big blue eye, for protection and good luck, and seven blessings surrounding it: Happiness, prosperity, health, love, good fortune, bless and life. The ketubah is printed in Gicl??e method, which means the ink is sprayed. This method was developed 20 years ago as a substitute for the Lithograph reproduction. In this method, over three million drops of ink are being sprayed on the paper, with a combination of hundreds of colors in millions of different possibilities with high ink absorption. The resulting image displays the light and vitality of the original painting, and the colors do not fade over the years. The main advantage for the designed Ketubah over the written ketubah is its artistic value, and many couples

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Sea Blue, Navy

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Conservative with English, Egalitarian English, Traditional Aramaic, Interfaith, Conservative, Commitment Text, Custom Text, Anniversary with English, Sephardic, Traditional Aramaic & English

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