Yair Emanuel Judaica

Yair Emanuel Judaica with a price guarantee and fast shipping.
In his Studio, located in Jerusalem, Emanuel imports various Judaica products. The designs are based upon a fusion of traditional motifs and ancient Jewish manuscripts with modern and oriental art. Vivid and harmonious colors as well as a mixture of the old and the new, characterize Emanuel's work. The Artist, Yair Emanuel, designs and crafts in many different techniques. Among his techniques are hand embroidery, painting on wood & glass, painting on silk and a variety of metal designs.
As the official dealer website, you'll find the entire gallery of Yair Emanuel Judaica store products and gifts designed by Yair Emanuel. You are welcome to take a look at our catalog and enjoy the various designs. Contact us if you can't find an item.
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Gold Embroidered Table Runner - Pomegranates

Gold Embroidered Table Runner - Pomegranates

This fantastic runner is used alone on a table or over a tablecloth, great way to decorate your dining room, kitchen, or other tables to give the room more style...
Gold Pillow Case In Washable Poly Silk

Gold Pillow Case In Washable Poly Silk

Pillow Case in Gold. Washable Poly Silk. Size 16 X 16"