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5 Panel Jerusalem Canvas Artwork
$19.84 – $220.28
5 Panel Jerusalem Canvas Artwork 5 Piece Jerusalem Modular Picture - Wall Decor High Definition Canvas. A beautiful canvas artwork featured in modular sections to fit any room or staircase....
Frame Canvas Painting 5 Panel Breathtaking Creation
$12.68 – $153.44
Frame Canvas Painting 5 Panel Breathtaking Art of Creation Maaseh BereshitDepictions of Genesis Style: ModernMedium: OilModel Number: Canvas PaintingFrame: YesOriginal: YesSupport Base: CanvasShape: RectangleSubjects: LandscapeCalligraphy and painting type: Canvas PaintingModern Painting:...
Letters - Double Layer Acrylic Glass Wall Mount Finish
$17.00 – $179.00
Double layered laser cut acrylic glass also known as plexiglas, acrylite, lucite and perspex is a tough glass like material that is shatter proof. The lettering is 10mm thick on...
Oil Canvas - Ocean Painting Wall Art Frame
$14.65 – $141.63
Oil Canvas - Israel's Mediterranean Ocean Painting Wall Art FrameMaterial: CanvasSubjects: Israel's Mediterranean SeascapeMedium: OilType: Canvas PrintingsModel Number: Canvas PaintingFrame: YesOriginal: YesTechnics: Spray PaintingSupport Base: CanvasFrame mode: UnframedShape: RectangleCalligraphy and painting type:...
Premium Lulav & Etrog Set. Buy Esrog Set For Sale
$13.00 – $169.95
Premium Lulav & Etrog Set. Buy Esrog Set For Sale ! Premium Lulav & Etrog Set. Buy Esrog Set For Sale Lulav & Etrog Sets. Our lulav and esrogim are...
Prophets of Israel 5 Panel Canvas Wall Art
$19.50 – $220.85
Inspired by the prophets of Israel overlooking Jerusalem is a spectacular 5 Panel Jerusalem Canvas Wall Art Support Base: CanvasForm: CombinedFrame mode: Framed MirrorsStyle: ClassicalOriginal: YesSubjects: Still lifeModern Painting :...
Shofar Ram'S Horn Smaller Sizes
$24.65 – $157.65
These Ram Horns are top selections of white rams horns they all blow nicely and fairly easily.
Tallit Katan Tzitzit In Wool With Fringes
$22.95 – $105.00
Tallit Katan Tzitzit in Wool with Tzitzis Fringes. High Quality Wool Tzitzit Garment Durable and breathable with fringes. Kosher Tallit Katan Tzitzit in Wool with Fringes by Orthodox Standards Badatz...