$50 to $100

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Blessed Necklace

Blessed FC11N

BlessedSKU FC11NInscribed: "Blessed" a well known aphorism alluding to many scriptural references and with a cross on the back. It is engraved on a mobius shape, the symbol of infinity,...
Forever is composed of nows - Emily Dickinson Necklace undefined

Forever is composed of nows - Emily Dickinson LD04N

Forever is composed of nows - Emily DickinsonSKU LD04NInscribed on back: “Forever is composed of nows- with Emily Dickinson’s signature. Considered one of the great American poets of the 19th century,...
Friend in Ten Languages Necklace

Friend in Ten Languages IN42N

Friend in Ten LanguagesSKU IN42NInscribed: friend (English) amie (French) freundin (German) amica (Italian) cara (Irish) tomodachi (Japanese) amica (Latin) przjaciel (Polish) amiga (Portuguese) amiga (Spanish) Friend in ten languages -...
Hugs and Kisses Earrings

Hugs and Kisses PE03EP

Hugs and KissesSKU PE03EPInscribed: X XO XOX XOXO Who doesn't love hugs and kisses? A message of love in the ancient symbols X and O, kisses and hugs, in an...
In Beauty I Walk - Navajo/Dine prayer Necklace undefined

In Beauty I Walk - Navajo/Dine prayer IN57N

In Beauty I Walk - Navajo/Dine prayerSKU IN57NInscribed: "In Beauty I walk" on the front, "the Navajo People" on the back. From the first stanza of the traditional Navajo/Dine prayer: In...
You had the power all along - Glinda the Good Witch Necklace undefined

You had the power all along - Glinda the Good Witch LB07N

You had the power all along - Glinda the Good Witch SKU LB07N Inscription: "You had the power all along" - Glinda the Good Witch on the reverse from The Wonderful...