Genuine Leather Tallit & Tefillin Bags None Thanks Tallit & Tefillin Bags
Genuine Leather Tallit & Tefillin Bags

Genuine Leather Tallit & Tefillin Bags


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Tallit & Tefillin Bags
Tallit & Tefillin Bags
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Tefillin Bag Only
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Golden Beige Velvet Leather "Talit and Tefilin" bags The bags are made from elegant golden beige velvet. The bags have the words Tefilin and Talit embossed on an authentic leather design in center surrounded by a beautiful design. Talit bag dimensions: 34.5 40 cm . Tefilin bag dimensions: 24 24 cm Option to purchase only Talit or Tefilin bag. Option to imprint name in gold or silver lettering on the product. Velvet Background color options are Gold or Brown (final photo shows brown).

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Tallit & Tefillin Bags, Tallit Bag Only, Tefillin Bag Only