Aluminum And Cobalt Glass Seder Plate
This absolutely stunning Seder plate will take your breath away, and that of all your Seder guests also! Made of impressively heavy and intricately formed cast aluminum, it features a bold modern design abstractly depicting two banks separated by the Red Sea in the middle.
The Hebrew text is taken from the opening of the Song of the Sea: Az yashir Moshe uvnei Yisrael et hashira hazot; Ki ga'o ga'a sus verochvo rama vayam (Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song; For He is great and proud, He threw horse and rider into the sea) (cf. Exodus 15:1).
For each of the six depressions in the plate for the six Seder items, there is a beautiful white glass dish.
Shraga Landesman, an Israeli artist, has been creating beautiful works of art in unique and unusual materials and styles. His focus for the past many years has been on Jewish-themed pieces in cast or cut metal, often united with wooden elements.
Size 30 X 19cm. Made and designed in Israel. Aluminum and Cobalt Glass.
Aluminum And Cobalt Glass Seder Plate