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Red Dreidel, Blue Dreidel
A color match lotto game with Jewish objects pictured. This is really an all-year round game, despite its title!Minimum order quantity is: 6Ages 2-7, 2-4 players
Craft-A -Dreidel
Two blank wooden dreidels suitable for decorating. Comes with three small tubs of paint and a brush. On a blister card.Minimum order quantity is: 12Color: Blank wood
Extra Large Colored Wooden Dreidels
Wooden painted dreidels (red, blue, purple, and pink). White letters. Loose in a plastic tub.Minimum order quantity is: 50Color: Assorted
Star David Dreidel, Jeweled
Enameled pewter display dreidel shaped as a star of David, with matching stand. Jeweled highlights, gift boxed.Minimum order quantity is: 1Color: Purple/pink
Dreidel, Jeweled Pewter
Enameled pewter display dreidel with matching stand. Jeweled highlights, gift boxed.Minimum order quantity is: 1Color: Blues
Dreidel, Jeweled Pewter
Enameled pewter display dreidel with matching stand. Jeweled highlights, gift boxed.Minimum order quantity is: 1Color: Almond/black
Dreidel, Jeweled Pewter
Enameled pewter display dreidel with matching stand. Jeweled highlights, gift boxed.Minimum order quantity is: 1Color: Charcoal/white
Large Colorful Wooden Dreidels
Natural wood dreidels with multi-color letters. Also has letter name in English letters. Loose in round plastic tub.Minimum order quantity is: 50Color: Red, blue, green,pink
Magna Dreidels
Wooden dreidel-top with a magnetic tip and a metal disc. Spin the dreidel near the disc and see it rotate around the disc as it spins.Minimum order quantity is: 24Color: