Jewish Thought

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Gateway to judaism [becher] (hardcover) Jewish Books

Gateway to judaism [becher] (hardcover)

GATEWAY TO JUDAISM [BECHER] (Hardcover)Questions are the gateways to knowledge. After years of responding to the queries of people from all walks of life, Rabbi Becher saw the need for...
Grandeur of the maggid

Grandeur of the maggid

Grandeur of the MaggidRabbi Paysach Krohn, the famed and beloved “American Maggid,” brings us a wonderful collection of his speeches and writings, covering all aspects of contemporary life. His humor,...
Heart to heart talks [r' scheinberg] h/c Jewish Books

Heart to heart talks [r' scheinberg] h/c

HEART TO HEART TALKS [R' SCHEINBERG] H/CRabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, a revered guide to thousands of people who seek his advice, deals with such topics as Women's Special Gift, Forgiveness,...
Heavenprints Jewish Books


HeavenprintsSara Yoheved Rigler, one of the leading lights of Torah literature and the author of the bestselling biography Holy Woman, opens our eyes to Hashem’s boundless love and caring as...
Hebrew months in trei asar Jewish Books

Hebrew months in trei asar

Hebrew Months in Trei AsarIn this book he explains how the Hebrew months are filled with fascination and meaning. The reader will marvel at the connection between the yearly cycle...
Infinite love-0

Infinite love

INFINITE LOVERebbetzin Tziporah Heller Gottlieb, a beloved and revered Torah teacher, has inspired tens of thousands with her profound wisdom and clarity. Now, in Infinite Love, she guides us on...
Informed soul (hard cover) Jewish Books

Informed soul (hard cover)

INFORMED SOUL (Hard cover)Introductory encounters with Jewish thought.Binding: HardcoverPages: 207Dimensions: 6.00 X 9.00Authors: Rabbi Dovid GottliebINFORMED SOUL (Hard cover)
It's never too little, it's never too late... Jewish Books

It's never too little, it's never too late...

It's Never Too Little, It's Never Too Late...Rabbi Yissocher Frand, world-renowned rav, speaker, and author, knows how to keep his eyes open and ears attuned to the spiritual messages in...
Jewish wisdom in the numbers Jewish Books

Jewish wisdom in the numbers

Jewish Wisdom In The NumbersOnce in a very long while comes a book that entirely changes the way we look at our world. This is such a book. Numbers are...
Lag baomer: the fire and the soul-0

Lag baomer: the fire and the soul

Lag BaOmer: The Fire and The SoulEnter the world of Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai and the Zohar HaKadosh, and experience an exalted realm of Torah that will bring Klal Yisrael...
Life is a test [reb. jungreis] (hc) Jewish Books

Life is a test [reb. jungreis] (hc)

LIFE IS A TEST [REB. JUNGREIS] (HC)In Life Is A Test, the Rebbitzen's uncompromising convictions, her insights on faith, her soul-stirring wisdom, and her palpable love of all people saturate...
Life is now [pliskin] (h/c) Jewish Books

Life is now [pliskin] (h/c)

Life Is Now [Pliskin] (H/C)Where are we right now? Rabbi Zelig Pliskin's many bestselling books serve as a road map to life, a kind of GPS navigation system showing us...