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Rays of hope
Rays of HopeRabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg is a beloved rav in Cedarhurst who has engaged thousands of readers with his incisive articles in the Torah world’s most prestigious periodicals....
Reaching out / [ncsy publ.] p/b
REACHING OUT / [NCSY PUBL.] P/BDemonstrates the responsibility of each Jew to join the effort to reach out" to the unaffiliated."Binding: PaperbackPages: 85Dimensions: 6.00 X 9.00Authors: Rabbi Aryeh KaplanREACHING OUT...
Rebbi meir baal haness and the eternal children of hashem
REBBI MEIR BAAL HANESS and the Eternal Children of HashemNow More Than Ever ... Feel Hashem’s Love!Binding: HardcoverPages: 324Dimensions: 6.00 X 9.00Authors: Rabbi Daniel GlatsteinREBBI MEIR BAAL HANESS and the...
Russian ed: if you were g-d / [ncsy] p/b
RUSSIAN ED: IF YOU WERE G-D / [NCSY] P/BRabbi Aryeh Kaplan's famed collection of essays If You Were G-d, Immortality and the Soul and A World of Love are now...
Sacred soil
Sacred SoilWhether you are traveling to Eretz Yisrael for a short trip, a year – or even a lifetime – make sure to pack Sacred Soil with you, to ensure...
Seasons of the soul (hard cover)
SEASONS OF THE SOUL (Hard cover)The Jewish religious calendar contains a kaleidoscope of intellectual and emotional stimuli - from the solemnity of the Days of Awe with their introspective fasting...
Second thoughts [wein] shaar press (h/c)
SECOND THOUGHTS [Wein] Shaar Press (H/C)These articles and essays forced me to come to grips with myself and my beliefs. In all truth, this writing experience has touched me, my...
Seize the moments [twerski]
Seize the Moments [Twerski]A moment here, a moment there: That is all you need! Today's rarest, most precious commodity is not gold or oil or even water. The most valuable...
Simchah: it's not just happiness (h/c)[twersk
SIMCHAH: IT'S NOT JUST HAPPINESS (H/C)[TwerskEveryone wants to be happy, but is happiness enough? It's not.Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski M.D. has produced an unparalleled work on simchah, the single character...
Tanach Simanim, Large (7x10) (Hebrew)
Tanach Simanim, Large (7x10) (Hebrew)Pages: hard cover
Teachings of the abir yaakov vol. 1
Teachings of the Abir Yaakov Vol. 1Rav Yaakov Abuchatzeira — the Abir Yaakov" — was the scion of one of the most illustrious Torah families of Morocco. Baba Sali zt'l...
Teachings of the abir yaakov vol. 2
Teachings of the Abir Yaakov Vol. 2Rav Yaakov Abuchatzeira — the Abir Yaakov" — was the scion of one of the most illustrious Torah families of Morocco. Baba Sali zt'l...