Judaica store

Judaica store shipping worldwide. Judaic gifts likes washing cups, wine fountains, havdalah sets, tallits, shabbat candlesticks, challah boards, challah covers, kippahs, shofars, tzedakah boxes, menorahs, Jewish toys and a whole lot more. The most complete store on the web with a price guarantee.
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Arched Canopy. Available In Black/Navy Sizes Large/Extra Large.

Arched Canopy. Available In Black/Navy Sizes Large/Extra Large.

Tags: tallis, talis, tallit, bag, color, ten commandments
Arched Canopy Tallit Bag

Arched Canopy Tallit Bag

High quality velvet Tallit bag with zipper. This tallit bag is double lined with a satin silk like interior and a quality velvet exterior. Ships with your tallit quickly from...
Ahava Love Glass Mezuzah Aqua No Thanks

Ahava Love Glass Mezuzah

$72.25 – $108.25
Glass Mezuzah. The hebrew word, Ahava, meaning love, has been sandblasted on this mezuzah. The glass used is either the iridescent colors of red or aqua, mirrors of blue or...
Afikomen Matzah Passover Bag Embroidery to 10 letters

Afikomen Matzah Passover Bag

$22.10 – $54.10
Afikomen Matza Passover Bag in Elegant Velvet. Matzah Seder Cover to match
4 Children'S Night Light Set

4 Children'S Night Light Set

Wonderfully designed 4 Set Children's Night Light Set. Each one made of quality stained glass. Primary and pastel colors for these aleph bet night light with the beginning letters of...