Artistic Passover Seder Set (5 Pieces) Embroidery to 10 letters

Artistic Passover Seder Set (5 Pieces)

$365.00 $325.00 SAVE $40.00

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Embroidery to 10 letters
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Embroidery to 20 Letters
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Artistic Passover Seder Set (5 pieces): Artistically designed with gold ornate detail. This new set is one of our hottest styles this year due to its striking elegance! Total luxurious set, with high quality pillow case, matzah cover, afikomen bag, bottle cover and matching towel. All exquisitely embroidered pieces.

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None Thanks, Monogram, Embroidery to 10 letters, Embroidery to 15 Letters, Embroidery to 20 Letters