7 Species of Israel Fruits Torah Cover
Beautifully embroidered with the 7 Species of the Land of Israel Torah Mapah Torah Cover. Color sample shown is Green, but can be in any color your wish. Ideally Personalized in the center.
This Torah Cover embroidery with Shivhas Haminim. Shivhas Haminim are seven types of fruits and grains enumerated in the Tanah as being special products of the Land of Israel. Shivhas Haminim are customarillly eaten on Tu Bishvat, on Sukkot, and on Shavuot: this Torah Cover, therefore, is often chosen for these holidays. In halakha Shivhas Haminim are considered more important than other fruits, and a special blessing is recited after eating them. Our splendid Torah Cover is available with different backgrounds

7 Species of Israel Fruits Torah Cover