Science Kit - The Sprout Garden
Let's look out the window for a moment and look at how many trees, plants and flowers there are around me. Have you ever wondered where they came from and what they looked like when they were little? Come and discover the immense powers of the sprouts - the young plants.
Turn seeds into sprouts!
The germination kit allows us to see how seeds turn into sprouts. Together we will do interesting experiments and discover what are the environmental conditions that the sprouts like best and what is harmful to their development.
How It Works?
We will learn to create growing conditions for the sprouts that are very similar to the conditions in nature. Like real scientists, we will conduct various experiments in which we will provide the sprouts with different growing conditions. For example: cold weather, dryness or lack of air. In addition, we will find out how the sprouts adapt to the environment, to get more light and more food and we will perform an experiment that will illustrate how the damage to the environment affects the health of the sprouts - just as the environment affects human health.
Contents of the science kit:
instruction booklet and explanations, test tube stand, test tubes with screw caps, water-absorbent polymer, tweezers, dropper and measuring spoon.
Science Kit - The Sprout Garden