Inscribed: "I have loved thee with an everlasting love Jeremiah 31:3" in a modern uncial script suggestive of the golden age of manuscript illustration. Jeremiah is generally considered a sad book, a somber picture of a difficult period but in it's midst is this wonderful phrase full of God's love for Jeremiah and the Jewish people.
Everlasting Love - Jeremiah 31:3
SKU FM06NInscribed: "I have loved thee with an everlasting love Jeremiah 31:3" in a modern uncial script suggestive of the golden age of manuscript illustration. Jeremiah is generally considered a sad book, a somber picture of a difficult period but in it's midst is this wonderful phrase full of God's love for Jeremiah and the Jewish people.
- Sterling Silver
- Mobius Pendant Size 1"
- Made in the USA
Everlasting Love - Jeremiah 31:3

Everlasting Love - Jeremiah 31:3 FM06N