Mishnah Temurah deals with the substitutes for sacrificial animals,and Meillah misappropriation of sacred property. The ArtScroll Mishnah Series with Yad Avraham commentary brings the text to life as it is developed and clarified by contending minds in th
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 0
Dimensions: 6.00 X 9.00
Authors: Rabbi Yoav Elan , Rabbi Mordecai Shuchatowitz
Temurah and Meilah [Mishnah: Kodashim 3(b)]
Mishnah Temurah deals with the substitutes for sacrificial animals,and Meillah misappropriation of sacred property. The ArtScroll Mishnah Series with Yad Avraham commentary brings the text to life as it is developed and clarified by contending minds in th
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 0
Dimensions: 6.00 X 9.00
Authors: Rabbi Yoav Elan , Rabbi Mordecai Shuchatowitz
Temurah and Meilah [Mishnah: Kodashim 3(b)]
Temurah and meilah [mishnah: kodashim 3(b)]