Christian Gift Supplies

Christian Store

Christian store supplying giftware and temple furnishings. Our collections include Jesus Christ giftware, Prayer Shawls, Jewelry, Christian religious symbolic articles and Temple supplies. We carry all Bibles including KJV bibles at wholesale bulk pricing for Ministries, Churches and Schools.

Ministries Churches and Pastor Supplies

Ministries churches and pastors will find all their needs under one roof. We carry a vast selection not all online so call or email us for your requirements. We specialize in quantity discounts for church communities and ministries across the globe. Christian favors like mini biblekeychain gift ideas, crucification crosses, messianic symbolic statues and sculptures and Kiddush cups and goblets

Be fully embraced by God and the holy spirit with our vast selection of gifts and collectibles for the Bible lover and Christ beleiver. If you run a Christian school, classes, or study groups, ministry or pastorship you'll want to contact us first for all your needs. Visit our Temple furniture store for a full array of pews, podiums and lecturns, kneeling tables and much more.

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Women Of The Bible Gold Coin Collection Set of 4

Women Of The Bible Gold Coin Collection

$225.00 – $872.00
Women of the Bible  4 Pure Gold Coin Medal Gift Collection Set Women of the Bible - Each medal coin is Gold/999, 13.92mm, 1.24g Four-Medal Set Fabulous Gift to a Woman...
Jewish Gift Zion Paz Tallit Prayer Shawl

Jewish Gift Zion Paz Tallit Prayer Shawl

$54.00 – $93.00
Zion Paz Tallit Prayer Shawl Attractive jacquard-design Tallit made from polyester and rayon with fine quality fringes in stripe. Available in blue & black combined with gold or silver lurex...
Learn Jewish Prayer For Beginners

Learn Jewish Prayer For Beginners

Learn Jewish prayer for beginners with the friendliest prayer tutorial. Hear every prayer and blessing on the accompanying CD. See the text in English, Hebrew and transliteration. A Book and...
Hebrew English Phonetic Bible

Hebrew English Phonetic Bible

Read the Bible In Hebrew even if you can't read Hebrew Letters! With syllable-by-syllable Transliteration and Accent marks for pronunciation. Say the ancient Hebrew prayers, blessings and any Biblical verse,...
Siddur Prayer Book - Annotated English

Siddur Prayer Book - Annotated English

Siddur Prayer book with annotated English. New clear typeset, easy to follow instructions, better quality paper and a super strong shul binding. Some of the features include: Shaded boxes indicate...
Wool Peace Ribbon Tallit Prayer Set 18 Blue/Silver Standard Tie

Wool Peace Ribbon Tallit Prayer Set

$69.00 – $165.00
Wool Peace Ribbon Tallit Prayer Set A gorgeous light wool Peace Dove Tallit Set. 100 % Wool with sewn with beautiful Peace ribbon designed with the dove peace emblem. A...
18, 24, 28, 36, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80
Tanoy Prayer Shawl Talit

Tanoy Prayer Shawl Talit

$41.65 – $65.65
Tanoy Prayer Shawl Talit Striking and colorful striped talit made with a wool and polyester mix. Noy (beauty) talit, comes is large variety of colors. Made of Polyester-acrylic combination. Available...
All Shall Be Well - Julian of Norwich Necklace

All Shall Be Well - Julian of Norwich LJ01N

All Shall Be Well - Julian of NorwichSKU LJ01NInscription: "All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well" by Julian of Norwich,...
Ana Bekoach or Traveler's Prayer Kabbalah Ring אנא בכוח - Ana Bakoach

Ana Bekoach or Traveler's Prayer Kabbalah Ring

Ana Bekoach or Traveler's Prayer Kabbalah Ring This Ring is exquisite work of art. The ring combines different metals - Gold & Silver in a powerful combination that holds great...
Shema Yisrael Bracelet Hebrew Jewish Blessing Prayer & Symbol For Him

Shema Yisrael Bracelet Hebrew Jewish Blessing Prayer & Symbol

This bracelet is made of thick leather and is very strong and sturdy. Above and below are black paracords with beads. The amulet at the center of this leather bracelet...
Organza Valencia Tallit Prayer Shawl

Organza Valencia Tallit Prayer Shawl

Organza Valencia Tallit Prayer Shawl. 3 piece Tallit set with elegant matching stripe size: 18" X 72" (45 180cm). 3 Pc Set. Our crystal ICE collection is a light weight...
Multi Color Hand Knit Wool Tallit Prayer Shawl Set

Multi Color Hand Knit Wool Tallit Prayer Shawl Set

Multi Color hand knit wool Tallit Prayer Shawl Set in multi colors with atarah (neckband) and corners in wild silk in a fabulous textured feel. 100% hand woven wool with...