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Student sapirstein ed. of rashi -- bereishis
STUDENT SAPIRSTEIN ED. OF RASHI -- BEREISHISNow conveniently sized for those wishing to read it on the train, carry it in a handbag, or bring it along to shul, this...
Chasam sofer on torah -- vayikra (h/c)
CHASAM SOFER ON TORAH -- VAYIKRA (H/C)In this book, Rabbi Yosef Stern brings the Torah commentaries of Rabbi Moshe Sofer, the Chasam Sofer, to the English reader for the first...
Rav schwab on ezra and nechemiah
Rav Schwab on Ezra and NechemiahA brilliant look at the return to Zion after the Babylonian Exile, by a giant of his generation. The Babylonian Exile was coming to an...
Chasam sofer on torah -- shemos (h/c)
CHASAM SOFER ON TORAH -- SHEMOS (H/C)The very name Chasam Sofer conjures images of scintillating brilliance in Torah. A major Torah leader of the 19th century, Rabbi Moshe Sofer was...
Chullin-4 [talmud] schottenstein ed.
CHULLIN-4 [TALMUD] Schottenstein Ed.Open the Schottenstein Edition and step into a study hall without walls." Feel the electricity, the excitement, the profundity, the beauty of the Talmudic experience!Let the Talmud...
Touched by a story 4 (h/c)
TOUCHED BY A STORY 4 (H/C)Rabbi Yechiel Spero has stunned, amazed, and inspired readers with his popular series of real life stories. His reputation as a master storyteller has grown...
Eruvin-2 [talmud] schottenstein ed.
ERUVIN-2 [TALMUD] Schottenstein Ed.Open the Schottenstein Edition and step into a study hall without walls." Feel the electricity, the excitement, the profundity, the beauty of the Talmudic experience!Let the Talmud...
Bava basra-2 [talmud] schottenstein ed.
BAVA BASRA-2 [TALMUD] Schottenstein Ed.Open the Schottenstein Edition and step into a study hall without walls." Feel the electricity, the excitement, the profundity, the beauty of the Talmudic experience!Let the...
A taste of nostalgia [twerski] h/c
A TASTE OF NOSTALGIA [Twerski] H/CThis collection of nostalgic stories is written by the master of them all, Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M.D. These poignant tales bring back memories of...
Something sweet
Something SweetBinding: HardcoverPages: 208Dimensions: 8.50 X 10.50Authors: Miriam (Pascal) CohenSomething Sweet
Stories that unite our hearts paperback
Stories That Unite Our Hearts paperbackIn Stories that Unite Our Hearts, bestselling, beloved author Rabbi Binyomin Pruzansky shares stories of chesed, ahavas Yisrael, greatness of spirit - true stories that...
Studies 1 -- bereishis [nachshoni] (h/c)
STUDIES 1 -- BEREISHIS [Nachshoni] (H/C)In this long-time Hebrew best-seller the author explains the major themes of each weekly portion as discussed by scores of commentators.Binding: HardcoverPages: 319Dimensions: 6.00 X...