Spice Cloves Filled Organza Bags - Havdalah Favors
Spice Cloves Filled Organza Bags - Havdalah Favors

Spice Cloves Filled Organza Bags - Havdalah Favors

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Spice Cloves Filled Organza Bags - Havdalah Favors

Minimum order 50 pieces

Aromatic cloves in an organza bag laced tied for havdalah ceremony is a beautiful way to end shabbat and leave guests enthralled . This is commonly used for Bar / Bat Mitzvahs and Melava Malkas (gatherings after Shabbat used in the Havdalah ceremony). Ideally given out to the guests this makes for a wonderful memory gift giveaway and aromatic take away reminder in a besomim bag size 3 x 4".

Organza besamim bags are available in a variety of base colors. white, black, acqua blue, Burgundy, fuchsia, gold, hot pink, ivory, teal blue, lavender, mint green, orange, pink, purple, red, royal blue, silver, teal blue, white, and yellow. You may mix any two colors in minimum quantity of 50 pieces. We request you provide your two top color choices in the color box to deliver in case of availability. If you don't choose, we'll send you turquoise as shown in picture.

Optionally, we can add a two-fold card with the blessing "Gut fun Avraham" attached. This is a Jewish prayer originally in Yiddish, recited by women and girls in many Jewish communities at the conclusion of the Sabbath, marking its conclusion (while the males are in the synagogue praying Maariv). In some Hasidic sects it is also recited by males before the Havdalah, (Havdalo) service.

Translation of the most common version: God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, protect your beloved people Israel from all hurt, in your love. As the beloved holy Sabbath goes away, that the week, and the month, and the year, should come to us with perfect faith, with faith in the sages, with love and attachment to good friends, to attachment to the blessed Creator, with belief in your thirteen principles of faith, and in the ultimate redemption, may it be soon, and the Resurrection of the dead, and in the prophecy of Moses, our teacher..

Simple Assembly may be required.

Spice Cloves Filled Organza Bags - Havdalah Favors

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