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Illuminated Torah - English Hebrew Leather
Illuminated Torah - English Hebrew Leather Design: Raymond SintesPublishers: Matan OmanuyotEdited: David Arnon The Illuminated Torah - English & Hebrew Leather bible that is a fabulous refreshing and beautiful Torah...
Me'Am Lo'Ez Torah Anthology Set In English
$22.95 – $1,025.00
Torah Anthology - Me'am Lo'ez by Rabbi Yaakov Culi and Rabbi Shmuel Yerushalmi. Translated by: Aryeh Kaplan The Torah Anthology is a clear, modern translation of Me'am Lo'ez, hailed as...
Single volume, 20 volume set, 45 volume set
Torah Commentary By R" Bachya
Rabbi Bachya was born in Saragossa in approx 1255, developed into a Bible exegete and Kabbalist under the tutelage of the famous Rabbi Shlomoh ben Adret (Rashba). He was the...
Midrash Alshich On The Torah
The author, Rabbi Moshe ben Chayim Alshich (hakadosh), was born in Adrianople in 1508 and died in Damascus about the year 1600. He was Rabbi in Safed and Damascus, ordained...
Torah Commentary By Samuel David Luzzatto, 4 Vols.
Luzzattos Torah commentary presents the reader with the work of an accomplished and highly respected Bible Commentator of the 19th century, a leading Bible scholar at the university of Padua,...
Tzror Hamor On The Torah (5 Vols.)
by Rabbi Avraham Sabba Translated and Annotated by: Eliyahu Munk Rabbi Avraham Sabba was born in Castile in 1440 and spent the first 50 years of his life in parts...