A Different Night: The Family Participation Haggadah by Noam Zion and David Dishon 9.5x8.75, 180 pages, 12 pages color This is the original " the haggadah that slew the Maxwell House. First published in 1997, this book has now sold over 140,000 copies. It is a "customizable" haggadah " it enables you to fashion a seder that works for any age and interest level. The layout makes it easy to use: each spread has traditional brachot (with translation and transliteration) on the right; the left-hand page has commentaries, stories, and all sorts of discussion-starters. This is not your "Uncle Fred, now it"s your turn to read a paragraph" kind of book. It"s also not a "read every page" book. You start with the "bare bones basic" seder, then add what you want from each section. The free Seder Planner that ships with each purchase will help you to do that. FEATURES . . . the complete traditional text with a new contemporary translation (gender inclusive) and transliterations clear directions,