Craft Sand (12 packs, 12 colors/pack)

Craft Sand (12 packs, 12 colors/pack)

$45.95 $35.95 SAVE $10.00
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SKU: JT334
Tags: 30-40, over-1

Craft Sand (12 packs, 12 colors/pack)

Approximately 2 ounces per little bag. 12 packs is enough for 100 dreidel bottles, about 125 Star bottles, or 144 sand boards.
Minimum: 12
Color: 12 assorted

The 12 pantone colors that are used in each bag are Pantone 185 (RED), Pantone 012 (YELLOW), Pantone 347 (Light Green), Pantone 368 (Green), Pantone 072 (Blue), Pantone Cyan, Pantone 226 (Pink), Pantone 266 (Purple), Pantone 021 (Orange), White, Pantone 471 (Brown) and Pantone 156 (skin color)

Craft Sand (12 packs, 12 colors/pack)