Elegant Parochet - Ornate Gold Embroidery

Elegant Parochet - Ornate Gold Embroidery

$19,900.00 $12,900.00 SAVE $7,000.00
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That extra special parochet, no one will forget. Quality embroidered Parochet Ark Curtain on Velvet. Sample shown Silver, Gold and floral embroidery on choice color background. A Parochet Ark Curtain often termed paroches in the ashkenazic community are Temple curtains manufactured by us in custom lined quality velvet for your synagogue or temple's Aron Kodesh that houses the Torah scrolls. This truly beautifully designed & embroidered parochet is made in our Israel studio with meticulous attention to detail including color, design and finish.

Why order with us ?

  • Your order will receive a personal expert service call !
  • Best price quote and price adjustments for all customizations.
  • We offer a price match if you find this Parochet anywhere else !
  • Show us a Parochet you've seen elsewhere and we'll make it for less !
  • We'll custom create a matching podium, Bimah, table covers !
  • Available in an array of all base colors
  • Options to choose from with additional choice of embroidery thread colors.