Nouri: The Story of Isidore Dayan, and the growth of a vibrant community in America focuses on of one of the most intriguing personalities of the modern Jewish world. The tale spans almost a century, includes two World Wars, and features a panoramic background ranging from Baghdad and Damascus to Brooklyn, from Czechoslovakia to Baltimore to tiny Vineland, NY
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 584
Dimensions: 6.00 X 9.00
Authors: Mrs. Devora Gliksman
Nouri: The Story of Isidore Dayan, and the growth of a vibrant community in America focuses on of one of the most intriguing personalities of the modern Jewish world. The tale spans almost a century, includes two World Wars, and features a panoramic background ranging from Baghdad and Damascus to Brooklyn, from Czechoslovakia to Baltimore to tiny Vineland, NY
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: 584
Dimensions: 6.00 X 9.00
Authors: Mrs. Devora Gliksman