Tallit Katan - Tzitzit Tzitzis Poly Cotton V neck #26 X-Large Adult None Tied Thanks

Tallit Katan - Tzitzit Tzitzis Poly Cotton V neck

$13.50 $7.50 SAVE $6.00

Size: 2-3 years

2-3 years
2-3 years
3-5 years
5-7 years
7-9 years
9-11 years
11-12 years
12-14 years
#20 Small Adult
#22 Medium Adult
#24 Large Adult
#26 X-Large Adult
#28 XX-Large Adult

Tzizit: None Thanks

None Thanks
None Thanks
None Tied Thanks
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Tallit Katan in a comfortable polyester & combed cotton with your custom tie of tzizit (tzitzis). Our most comfortable high quality tzitzit tallit katan pairs are strictly adhered to by Orthodox standards both by the beged (garment) and the Tzitzit (4 cornered fringes aka tzitzis) Made in Israel, these fabulous tallit katan's is made in 50 50 Poly Cotton blend sold in all sizes and tzitzit tying options.

Get a few pairs of tzitzis, specially tied in your nusach of tzizit tying and save more. All our tzizit (tzitzis) undergarments are hand tied "Lishma" and we ship and deliver fast via Fedex. Order your new tallit katans for all the men and boys in your family here together, save big with the convenience of fast home delivery.

Specify at checkout under comments any further details you request for your pair(s).

Additional Information

2-3 years, 3-5 years, 5-7 years, 7-9 years, 9-11 years, 11-12 years, 12-14 years, #20 Small Adult, #22 Medium Adult, #24 Large Adult, #26 X-Large Adult, #28 XX-Large Adult


None Thanks, Ashkenaz, Sfardic, Techelet, None Tied Thanks