Classic Bronze Cast Memorial Plaque & Yahrzeit Board 35" x 28" which accommodates 54 nameplates 2" x 10". Yahrzeit Tablet is a solid bronze plaque that lights up in memory of all the name plaques which we make for you individually. An eternal memory plaque and board for any synagogue or hall wall. A temple's way of memorializing each deceased member.
Yahrzeit Tablet
Made in classic solid bronze mounted with UAL light sockets this Bronze Yahrzeit plaque will memorialize and accomodate 54 plaques (congregants) and available with a custom dedication. The lighting is individually wired to each plaque to easily turn on off by tightening. Featured sculpted bronze headplates, cast bronze emblem and lettering. The background oxidized bronze that holds the light sockets.
Yahrzeit Memorial Plaque - Bronze Tablet