Jewish Art

Exclusive Jewish Art and Judaica Art for sale at amazing value. Inspiring products especially chosen for gifts.Read More
Creative energy of the Chosen People
Since the dawning of time, people have loved to create art that reflects the feelings and experiences of their lives. The Chosen People are no different. The longevity of their history has given them a rich, deep and colorful creative cannon from which to draw. Whether the creations come from the Bible and the hundreds of well-known Bible stories or from the history of genesis, living kingdoms of Israel, dispersion across the world or eventual joyous return to the Holy Land; there is something that all people will love.
Personalized Gifts for You and Those You Love
We love personalizing our products for our customers. For example, when going to a friend's house for Shabbat, one of our customers asked that we frame a print she bought in green so it would match the plush carpets of her hostess. This was a wonderful surprise, it elevated a mere thank you gift to something that the hostess was telling all of her friends about. It was a low-cost way to lift a simple gift to something really special. This works well with wall hangings, lithographs, prints and original paintings.
We offer a wide range of creative gifts for people of all ages. We love keeping the children happy - and quiet - with timeline gifts that help them learn the history of their people while being entertained. It harnesses both visual and creative learning techniques so that you can provide a gift appreciated by the children as well as their parents. The mystic power of Kabbalah is beautifully presented through the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. The world was created using the letters from the Bible so each carries a special power beyond our full understanding. Placing such a work of art of on your walls will bring joy and stability to your family.
Who knows the value of a blessing?
You are welcome to explore our fine selection of blessings for you, your home or your business. The power of a blessing as it winds its way up to heaven is sublime. Having them presented on your wall or sitting on your coffee table in a beautiful frame adds beauty to your home. However, in addition to its aesthetic value, the blessing serves as a constant reminder to you and those who see it that you are connected to the spiritual essence of prayer and the Source of All Blessings. Our range of blessings extends to those that you may use on a regular basis. Not only do they include a request for blessings on your home or business but they are practical. Two examples are our wonderfully decorated blessings for lighting the candles which is a meaningful way of welcoming in the Shabbat and the blessing said in praise of the proper functioning of the body after using the bathroom. They serve as educational tools for the family and inspire young children to recite them with their parents. We also have blessings for the wonderful Woman of Valor prayer that a family traditionally sings to the mother and wife of the house before beginning the Sabbath meal. This is particularly sensitive to the effort that she has gone into to bring the family to this point - preparing the meal, preparing the children and coordinating it all with her husband.
Inspiration for our creations
The artworks come from stories that parents told their children in the villages of Easter Europe are often represented in our products. Stories often included wolves and snow - always lots of snow - and long journeys from one town to another through snow only arriving after encountering wolves. Upon arrival, the characters would be warmly welcomed by representative of the new town and given something warm to eat. Many paintings and wall hangings are dark with flashes of snow of the white teeth of a snarling wolf.
The craftsmen from whom we draw our creations are masters in their professions. They have conducted deep studies into the symbolism, mysticism and history of the people to ply their trade. Beautiful brass etchings of significant places such as Rachel's Tomb, the Old City of Jerusalem and scenes from history display the skill of these craftsmen and craftswomen. Working in brass takes a particular skill. Metal is an ancient medium for creation but it is very unforgiving. Even small blemishes can be detected so our craftsmen need to ensure that each creation is near perfect. The recreation of Solomon's Temple which stood on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is an exquisite example of such perfection. The three areas of the Temple are clearly shown, one for Israelites, one for Leviim and one for Kohanim. The craftsmen undertook extensive research into the creation of the piece to ensure its accuracy so that it can be appreciated as an item of beauty as well as an instrument of learning. It can be purchased with a blessing of the house in English or Hebrew. It comes framed but can also be re-framed to meet your particular tastes.
Rabbi and Hebrew Artifacts
We carry and extensive range of pieces which feature famous Rabbis. This is collection is difficult to find and should be examined by anyone who draws inspiration from having pictures of Rabbis in the house. Our collection includes the Lubavitcher Rebbe who lived in New York and is loved by his followers around the world as well as Israel-based Rabbis such as Ovadia Yosef. There are also many works with Rabbis in famous scenes of mourning, prayer and joy. Few items lift the spirit like a picture of a bearded, old Rabbi enraptured by religious inspiration, dancing and singing to his heart's content. The Rabbis have long been the leaders of communities but as they have become less of a focus in modern times in developed countries, their position in nostalgic art has become more prominent. It can be a great reminder of the long heritage of this unique People and the link in the chain that each of us form to keep the tradition alive.
Hebrew is the backbone of the Judaic tradition. We have an extensive range of Hebrew products that we're sure you'll love. The wedding ceremony takes place under a wedding canopy and that is prominent in many of our creations. The Wedding Contract has been painstakingly weaved into the image of a wedding canopy so the words themselves form the picture. There are prints and lithographs and etchings of these key scenes with the accompanying Hasidic Musicians; famed across Eastern Europe for their deep, sorrowful tunes which erupt suddenly into foot-stomping, hand-clapping explosions of joy that lift the audience. You can almost hear the music in these evocative handiwork.
Life in Europe is often displayed in a mixture of joy and hardship. Actually, it's joy in the midst of hardship that carries a valuable lesson for us today. If they can be happy while carrying water, trudging through snow or mending their tarttered clothing, we should be grateful for all that we have in this modern world and be inspired to appreciate what we have to be happy in our own situations. When art is able to lift us up to such a level of holiness, it is indeed a valuable acquisition for ourselves or as a gift. As always, our works are available in paintings, prints, lithographs and etchings. Many are framed but we can both replace these frames or frame any that are lacking a frame.