These matzos are entirely hand made by ultra orthodox Torah Jews, well versed in the laws of Matzot baking, under the supervision of Badaz of Israel. All Matzot enter the oven with a stick covered in disposable lining paper, and many other stringencies are observed, from the time of kneading, till the completion of baking, in less than 18 minutes, as befits g-d fearing Jews who are stringent in Mitzva obeservance. Free from Tevel and Shviit, Challah seperated according to Jewish Law. Every care has been taken to guarantee that the Matzot are crisp, fresh and tasty. Mehadrin Min Hamehadrin baked in B'nei Brak, Israel . This item is priced below value. < p>
We take much precaution in packaging as possible for matzos to arrive as whole as possible, yet matzohs may not stay complety whole.